Higher 100% Easy Scholarship and Admission 2021

Higher Study in Portugal  
Overall brief Discussion about Portugal:-

Portugal is a south-east European country. It's situated Alberta the peninsula east side and Espain its north-east side. The capital of Portugal in Lisbon that's the biggest city in Portugal. Portuguese is The prime language of Portugal. There is a crisis moment that was the 16th century, they were almost going down property less. The overall land measure is 92212 square km and Population was 10,341,330 as well 25 June 1991 was added to Schengen Country in Europe by the European Union.  

Study of Portugal Value and acceptability:-

The study of Portugal University's very reputation highly represented worldwide and their degree acceptability in the world but there are maximum universities study systems are Bachelor's, Master's and Ph.D. programs within their native language Portuguese and also English programs available over there. International students' have a lot of opportunities for admission to several subjects like Engineering, Health, Law, Business Education, Social Science, etc and also Portugal is so famous for their huge amount especially Old University.

 Portugal all University list:-

Top 10 Best Famous University list:-
1.University of Lisbon
2. University of Aveiro
3.University of Porto
4.University of Coimbra
5. University of Lisbon
6.University of Minho
7.University of Viseu
8. University of Madeira
9.University of Algarve
10.University of Interior

Applying Procedure & Time of Portugal University:-
Admission period time is divided within two seasons for Bachelor's Master's and Ph.D. programs to get applied in a year. You can apply to get admission November to February and another is April to July and also there is not mandatory IELTS for apply but it's a positive sign if You have good experience in English languages that it's helped you to get visa but you have to need minimum quality to speak English language after that you will get good possibility to find your admission goal.

Tuition Fee:-

Each year needs around 900 euros to 6000 euros. 

You have to need some papers for Bachelor's Masters and P.hD:-

1. Application fee (50-60 euros) pay paper
2.Online application portal of University
3.Last academy certificate Scan copy
4.European CV
5.Passport Scan copy
7.Recommendation Letter (if available)
8.Motivation letter
Note: You have to send above all documents by online portal or mail way. If you are selected then you have to pay the advance specific part of the Tuition fee. We previous article mention that there is not mandatory English Proficiency and IELTS but You have to need quality to speak over there.

Portugal Visa Information:- 

If Portugal embassy is available in your country that's great, you don't need to go anywhere but it's not available in your country that why You have to go neighbor country to face embassy to get the visa and you know that in Asia region all countries have no Portugal embassy so that Maximum people have to get India to face embassy reason India is a country, there are available all country embassy. 

Portugal Visa Processing:- 

Firstly, You have to need a visa appointment to face the embassy.Secondly, You have to the application form by this link: https://www.vistos.mne.pt/pt/ and also you can fill this form by hand to download online application link: https://pt.vfsglobal.co.in/?fbclid=IwAR0tv74vX5340l1RALmeVTEvDlw_nN01fmDbL96r0xfJxu39BB65LIf5FbY

Note: If you want to go to Portugal for higher study purpose, you have to apply for long term visa and we know that long term visa is two types like 1. Temporary Stay Visa, 2. Residence Visa. You should know that study and research applicants must be applied for a residence visa. 

Need Importance papers for Long Term National Residence Visa:-

2.Fulfill application form

3. copy photos (size 35*40 mm)

4.Travel health insurance 

5.Police clearance certificate

6.Prove accommodation letter
7.Applicants name with 7000-8000 euros Bank Balance (not block account) Bank certificate and last 06 months statement ( Bank certificate and statement must be needed sign by bank manager) 
8.Offer Letter
9.Verified Academy papers ( Original and 2 copy Photocopy)
10. Your last Academy University or College no objection certificate must need 
11. Visa fee 90 euros must pay cash (no need pay for Scholarship candidates)

Note: Above all documents have to need English version only Offer Letter Portugis language. Portages visa processing time is almost 30 days so that it's better if you apply for visa class starting 40-45 days ago. You should know another one important topic that's a little bit hard to get a visa if you would have 4-5 years gap in the study but have a positive opinion by Portugal students, you can apply for visa 4 years study gap but 1-2 years gap does not matter to get the visa.

Part-Time Jobs and Living cost:-

Part-time job facility is a little bit low but right that moment it's going better from the previous time that why You will get job possibility but it helps you with living cost and tuition fee is not possible. You have permission to work 20 hours a week but vocation you have chanced to work full time. Living cost is needed around 300-350 euros monthly but it depends on your personality.

Permanent Residence all Information:-

You have good news for permanent residence in Portugal. You can find very easily a few time permanent residence in Portugal within 2-4 years. and also not need a huge amount of money to get residence. If you stay legally 5 years or more and your name is listed National health area and local health area and also an important part if you can prove good skill Portugal language then you will enable to apply 5 years Portugal residence visa. but previous time this visa processing was 6 years and also have well update: GOLDEN RESIDENCE PERMIT PROGRAMME special facility.

Embassy Website in India Link:-https://www.novadeli.embaixadaportugal.mne.pt/pt/?fbclid=IwAR3ADasB1ZN2vQ-uXu9kFpy_1fJHv-tqFdooUBBqkBfdaUdAy1-qo1DPwTk

 Higher Study Portal:- https://www.study-research.pt/?fbclid=IwAR1kJDXWCpq0wv3bCxPA1Of9uMXj1_ak_AR48AYjX3BR_05avFMLxSXjuac

Visa Application Portal:- https://www.vistos.mne.pt/pt/

Writer: Saddam Hossain
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